What happens when you protect the future of your business with ‘lean’ thinking?
Right now, you’re probably looking at all the ways you can save money and make quick cost reductions in your business.
And now is the perfect time to start ‘thinking lean’ – to take a good look at your business operations and apply some lean management techniques to obtain some quick wins.
When you introduce your team to a lean way of thinking, you will begin to eliminate the most obvious sources of waste from your business, resulting in positive changes to your efficiency and costs.
Removing waste from their manufacturing processes gave Toyota a competitive edge and helped them to become one of the most successful car manufacturers in the world. In fact, their ‘lean manufacturing’ model was eventually adopted by most other car producers globally.
Toyota and other lean-thinking businesses have identified that there are SEVEN types of waste in any business. And who better than your own team members, working at the coal face, to understand the way the different processes within your business work?
Take time out with your team to focus on reducing the waste in your business and you might get responses that you never expected.
You may find that reducing waste in your business processes is a subject that really engages your team, and they’ll certainly all have their own ideas on how things could be done better!
So why not harness that engagement and ask for their valuable input?
By making your team central to this lean thinking, you’ll bring them closer to the decisions you make to reduce waste and costs, and they will be integral in helping increase efficiencies, ensuring job security.
Lean thinking has secured the future of many businesses. Manage the 7 types of waste in your own business and secure its future as well.
Click here to discover the 7 types of waste and take a closer look at how you can implement lean thinking in your own business.