Should you be engaging all your stakeholders by leading with purpose?
Have you ever thought about the difference your business makes to the world around it, the people within it or the people connected to it?
You want your business to make a difference, and not just a profits-driven difference. Real and sustainable success means much more than that…
Roy Spence, author of It’s Not What You Sell, It’s What You Stand For, believes that the purpose of every business is like a song:
“Everybody within your business needs to know the words to the song. They listen to one another. They stand up when it is their turn, and they sing together when needed. And it must be a great song to sing.”
If they have a mission statement or a marketing tagline, many businesses think they have a purpose. However, the purpose of your business is not your mission statement. The purpose of your business is different – you have to live it and embed it within your business. Don’t let it become marketing BS!
Roy Spence believes that “your Purpose is the difference you’re trying to make in the (your) world. Your Mission is the core strategy that, when actioned, will deliver your purpose.”
When you set out to make a difference by leading with purpose, you make your purpose real. Make your purpose explicit, clear and obvious. Make sure your purpose is at the heart of everything that happens within your business.
It worked for Whole Foods Market – their purpose “to nourish people and the planet” saw them survive the worst of storms with the help of the people invested in their business and their purpose. They eventually went on to sell Whole Foods Market for £10 billion – not bad for a business that led with purpose, not profit!
Click here for more about how creating a purpose-driven business will build success and engage all your stakeholders.