Respectful marketing in tough times requires care and attention…
In sensitive times it pays to apply high levels of care and attention about both what you communicate and how you communicate with all your clients.
You want to be respectful. Quite right.
Chances are you hate receiving irrelevant or badly timed email marketing?
Your customers feel the same way
You might forgive bad timing, but irrelevance is harder to forgive. Especially when you’re facing up to many other challenges across your business.
So best make sure all your emails are relevant to every one of your customers.
Here’s how you start with respectful marketing...
Start by sending specific content to specific segments of your customers and prospects.
Here’s an alternative suggestion maybe?
Example 1: If you’re a car dealer and you send budget vehicle promotion information to your ‘High End VIP’ clients they’ll feel disrespected
Example 2: If you’re an estate agent only send information relevant to home owners to your home owner clients! Send a different email to your rental clients
Example 3: If you’re a travel company emails promoting family holidays to retired couples are a waste of time and money and entirely disrespectful
This is simple ‘marketing’ common sense but often fails to be applied as seriously as it should.
There’s much more to respectful and successful email marketing – check out this 4-page-easy-to-read report for proven ideas on making email marketing work better for your business