Give your buyers clarity for business success
The world is overloaded with information. We can get information from anywhere, the internet, email, social media, forums, online chat, other people, competitors….
I’m sure within your business you have too much information to process daily, therefore it stands to reason that this is the same for your buyers.
Your job is to provide Clarity – in Daniel Pink’s book ‘To Sell is Human’ the ABC of selling ends with C for Clarity…
Clarity is vital to your business success – your job is to help your buyers filter the information threatening to overwhelm them, make sense of it and get rid of the rubbish.
Your job is to ask questions that will uncover unexpected problems and possibilities to give your buyers clarity on the issues that need the attention.
‘Selling’ becomes more about advising and consulting… offering insights and enjoying a partnership with your buyer.
Here’s a great story from Mentos (leading American sweet manufacturer) on the ethos of selling insights not sweets!
Mentos had a wealth of information about the sweets that people buy and eat, collected from every store they sold to all over America.
But… rather than just selling sweets, they visited each of their store outlets with a bespoke ‘Suite of Sweets’ they believed that each store should be selling.
This change involved:
- reducing the product line
- offering competitors’ products
- removing any products that were not selling
- selecting a flavour or product more suited to the region
This transformed the profits of Mentos and meant that the sales staff were welcomed into stores as advisors to the buyers on what sells best and what doesn’t, because they offered business insights rather than just pushing candy!
For your business to have a prosperous future you must ask questions to understand and uncover your buyers’ problems and gain their trust.
Click here to learn how to identify your buyers’ problems. Then you can frame your products and services in the right way to best help them.