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5 simple steps on a delegation ladder to ensure your business succeeds

How often do you delegate tasks in your business and what are they?

Are they the mundane tasks that you just cannot be bothered to do?


Are they important tasks that are of actual benefit to the company and that actually free up your time?

Chances are whatever your level of delegation and whatever your team’s level of initiative, you could all be doing it more, you could all be doing it better and your business could be more productive as a result.

Sharing the delegation/initiative ladder with your team lets them know your expectations.

Your ultimate aim is to get your people doing work brilliantly, achieving the expected results and only getting you involved when they routinely report their results.

When this happens your delegation skills and their initiative is at the top of the ladder:

Here are the 5 levels of the ladder and how to use them in your business:

LEVEL 1 – Wait til told what to do

Be clear about the job you want doing, with simple, easy to follow instructions. Maybe show them how to do it first and then watch them perform the task. Follow up by asking them questions.

It should not be long before they move onto level 2 and it should be a concern to you if they don’t.

LEVEL 2 – Ask good questions

Ask good questions and encourage questions – create an expectation for questions so that people don’t wait forever to be told what to do. Recognise and praise good work.

LEVEL 3 – Recommend

Instead of questions – ask for thoughts, suggestions, recommendations from your team. Encourage your team to think for themselves. When you are routinely hearing well-measured and well-judged suggestions then they are ready to move up to the next level.

LEVEL 4 – Do it and report instantly

Be available as soon as the job is done, see mistakes as learning opportunities, agree a process and time for reporting instantly and agree a time line for reporting routinely. When routine reporting is getting great results, they can move up to the next level.

LEVEL 5 – Do it routinely and report

This is the riskiest for you. You must be willing to let go. Set up routine reporting and feedback on the work done. This may be daily or weekly to begin with, depending on the job, but the time frame for reporting should be extended once they are comfortable in the role.

Remember your people are the ones who work, but you delegate the work.

Click here to learn how by sharing the delegation/initiative ladder with your team you are letting them know your expectations of them and encouraging them to be an active part in the future success of the business.

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